Hooray for being all caught up, and getting this post ready for the week after. This week wasn't all that eventful, doing something exciting every week is hard.
This week I used the Maggie Homes core kit. I tried to stick to navy and green so I could use green tape on my month card. I choose my kit based on the pictures usually. this week they were really dark, but I managed to keep the page a little brighter with mostly white cards.
Here's the left side of my week 9. I try and reuse what sticky notes I can for planning, so I keep those on the inside edge of the album cover. I included the little bit of painting Jon got done this week to fill up a couple spots that would have been hard to fill otherwise.
Here's the right side, I rarely edit my photos, and I obviously missed that my sweater got into this shot. I didn't want to drag the step ladder into the craft room. I try and keep my week's journaling to one 4x6 whenever possible. I included a couple shots from dinner this week, and dying my sisters hair (which I do roughly twice a year).
I feel like we're getting into a routine of doing the same things each week (trying to change that up a little bit), and instead of using similar photos every week or a board game that we play roughly every week. My goal this month is to do something exciting at least one week out of the month, like take a trip somewhere, try a new recipe, or play a new board game. Hopefully spring comes soon and then I can do things outside and document those as well!
Have a great weekend!
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