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Project Life | Week 37

I can't believe November is over half over already. It feels like it just started yesterday. It's also a little hard to believe that Christmas is in a little over a month. Where has this entire year gone? I'm looking forward to next year and all the things we want to do next year. That being said, I need to first get through this year, so today I'm sharing week 37.

Here's the left side. I really need to photograph my spreads when I have more than 2 seconds before I have to leave to do something (like go to work), so that they'll photograph nicely, and I can look at the little details (like the yellow pattern card) and realize that it needs a little something added to it. This week I documented the beginning of my Gratitude Journal. I'm planning a post about it soon. I also just realized I didn't write the quote on the label over the photo.

Here's the right side. The "less" and "more" cards were originally on the same 4x6 but I cut it in half to fill two 3x4 pockets. I documented some creative projects, including one my niece and I made (we made some cards because she wanted to make a craft). I also love snapchat, and documented the fact that we're not home much lately and haven't gotten around to washing the dishes and we ran out of spoons.

Thanks for coming by to see my spread. Raise your hand if you're getting excited for Christmas! Have a great day!


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