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Project Life | Week 48

Today I'm sharing the last of my 2015 Project Life pages. This year was full of so many memories and I look forward to flipping through the pages later and seeing all the things we accomplished this year.

Here's the left side. It sort of snowed (2-3 inches overnight) so I felt it was okay to break out my Christmas mugs. We've decided we're going to start doing some Dungeons and Dragons with my sister and her boyfriend, and so Jon ordered some models for all of us, one of my characters is a bear, and I'm actually excited about doing Dungeons and Dragons, even though I complain about how nerdy it is all the time.

Here's the right side. I love my niece and nephew. They're so cute. I love being fortunate enough to see them every week (usually). This week Tori helped make a Christmas light garland (which she wore as a beard). I finally read the physical Big Magic book, and of course I attacked it with post it notes. I'll read it again and highlight those parts later on.
To finish off my album I used some cards from the Inspire value kit. My front page had water colour-y elements so I went with water colours on the back page as well. It's simple and I'm totally okay with that.

I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'll be sharing the beginning of my 2015 album next week. I'm writing this in December, so hopefully I've figured out what I'm doing for the year of 2016 by the time this post goes live.



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