Today I'm sharing the short list of books I read in February. I read so many in January that I'm not surprised February was a little light on books. I'm still ahead of my challenge, so yay me!
This month I read
Burial Rites by Hanna Kent
I love historical fiction, especially well researched historical fiction. This book was perfectly that.
Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin
I love Gretchen's books. I love her podcast Happier with Gretchin Rubin. This books led me to assess my family and try to figure out which tendency they have based on how they act. I'm not certain in my assumptions, but I'm excited for her book about the 4 tendencies so I can figure out which one I really am, and work on changing some habits.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone & Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
When Alan Rickman died earlier this year, I had a sudden urge to re-read the Harry Potter series. Which was a great idea because I haven't read any of them since the last book came out (ages ago). I didn't realize how many details I forgot, or things that the movies ruined in my brain (Jon and I watched all the movies a couple years ago).
Thanks for coming by to see the books I read last month. March will probably be filled with the rest of the Harry Potter books, and nothing else, and I'm completely okay with that. Have a great day!
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